We Triple-Check Translations

This method ensures the highest translation quality by letting native experts in the relevant fields of specialization cross-check each others translation quality. Only by having multiple language specialists monitor and correct each others inaccuracies or omissions can errors be, as much as possible, abolished. This method results in the following: 

  • Prevention of grammar or punctuation errors in a final text

  • Assurance of the accuracy of a translation

  • A final product that reads like the original

“Pleasure in the craft puts perfection in its fruit.”

Our Three-Stage Process

After a document has been sent for translation, a specialist in its assigned field will proceed with translating it. Tasks in this stage include translation and subsequent proofreading. After completion, the document will be submitted for editing (Stage Two).

The completed translation will be edited by comparing each translated sentence segment to the original source text. Tasks in this stage include correcting terminological inconsistencies, mistranslations, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, and improving the overall natural fluency of the translation. Next, the document is submitted to Quality Control (Stage Three).

Once again the translation will be checked for a vast range of textual errors and natural fluency. The target document will also be compared to the source document for any omissions or other visual inconsistencies. After the completion of this process, the document is returned to us and we will perform its post-processing, i.e. preparing the formatting of the text for final submission to the client.

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